Sometimes when I paint, I'm solemn and profound.....other times, not so much....
#brothercadfael #brothercadfaelmysteries #ellispeters #monks #medievalmysteries #shrewsbury #watercolor #painteressentials

How do you layer in skin tones in watercolor?
That's the question. I've been to color theory classes, I've listened to the lectures, taken notes and understood visually what the...

Day into Night, Night into Day
While many may argue the progressive rock soundtrack from Alan Parsons Project, I, personally, love it. Medieval fantasy with a dash of...

ah @%&#$*! (see previous post about not planning ahead)
Sketchbook Lesson Another example of not planning ahead. The composition is just too crowded. I really got caught up in getting so many...

Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance
To borrow a phrase from the British Army, Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. One of things my art suffers from isn't always...