Rat Mort
Recently I've received some good natured ribbing from family and friends over this dead rat I insisted my husband take a picture of while...

Death and Disease
At a recent lecture, the presenter threw out the challenge of a concept depicting some member of the animal kingdom that would appear...

Rain, Rain, Go Away?
Whew! This latest commission required 30 plus pen and ink illustrations for Futurewise. These images will be used in a...

Cutting Room Floor
I'd been feeling a bit sad recently, but a recent commission on stormwater management has cheered me up again! More details to follow,...

Chainmail and Fish Scales
Here we are at the end of my Artist in Residency at Touchstone Center for Arts and Crafts, I can look back at my goal and judge my...

Artist in Residency
Today marks the beginning of my third week as Artist in Residency at Touchstone Center for the Arts in Farmington PA. Touchstone is...

Winter Blues?
NEW ART: Have the winter blues? Check out this art from the Fairchild Challenge hosted at Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. ON...

The Aviator
NEW ART: The Aviator ON DECK: Ceratopsia Family Gathering I've been working with paleontologists on an article about triceratops family...

Graphite on Yupo® Translucent Paper
A friend of mine gave me a small booklet of Yupo® translucent paper. I've found graphite works wonderfully on the frosted surface. Here...

What lives in the seagrass?
I did this piece for Project Seagrass last year. Delighted to see it up on the website and helping educate seafarers and landlubbers...